Tuesday, June 06, 2006


From the website of the Sydney Morning Herald (and thanks to Arthur Vandelay for provding the link, even though it's just reduced me to tears of rage):

Gay couples to lose right to say 'I do'

Homosexual couples are set to lose their newly won right to say "I do" after the federal government vowed to overturn ACT civil union laws.

Attorney-General Philip Ruddock emerged from a cabinet meeting in Canberra with a directive to the governor-general to use Commonwealth powers to scrap the territory laws before they could be used.

The ACT parliament voted three weeks ago to allow gay couples to enter into a civil union, with almost the same status as marriage.

But before the dust had settled on the laws, the federal government moved to override them.

Prime Minister John Howard said the ACT would have given same-sex couples the right to marriage in all but name.

"The legislation, by its own admission, is an attempt to equate civil unions with marriage and we don't find that acceptable," Mr Howard said.

"Our view is very simple ... the founding fathers, in their wisdom, gave constitutional authority in relation to these matters to the Commonwealth."

Federal parliament, with Labor's support, voted in 2004 to explicitly define marriage in the Marriage Act as a union between a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others.

Mr Ruddock said, even with amendments to the civil union laws designed to address the federal government's concerns, the ACT was being deliberately confrontational.

"This issue could have been dealt with in a way that was not deliberately as confrontational as it was," he said.

His ACT counterpart, Simon Corbell, said the federal government was "homophobic".

The issue deserved the attention of the entire federal parliament, as when the Commonwealth last overrode a territory in 1997 by throwing out Northern Territory laws legalising voluntary euthanasia.

"The federal government are afraid of having this debate in the parliament," Mr Corbell said.

He said the ACT would look at ways to topple the federal government's move.

Gay rights activist Rod Swift described the announcement as another piece of the federal government's undeclared "straight Australia policy".

"The moves by the cabinet today to override the ACT is a shameful, despicable abuse by the Howard government," he said in a statement.

"An overwhelming majority of Australians want same-sex couples recognised by the federal government, not wilfully discriminated against and marginalised."

The federal government's decision comes just after a push by United States President George Bush for a constitutional ban on gay marriage.

The US is preparing for congressional elections in November, and Bush wants to amend the constitution to formally define marriage as the union between a man and a woman.

While the plan is expected to fail because it needs two-thirds majority support in either the Senate or the House of Representatives, Bush hopes to force the Democrats to state their position on gay marriage.

© 2006 AAP


LadyCracker said...

"Our view is very simple ... the founding fathers, in their wisdom, gave constitutional authority in relation to these matters to the Commonwealth."

Jesus H Christ. Really, I'm fucking speechless at the horrors this man and his government are getting away with.

mskp said...

right on, ladycracker.

and weren't these the same "founding fathers" [what a fucked-up americanism, that is] who passed the white australia policy as their first act of government? oh yeah, howard agrees with that bit of "wisdom" too...